Integration Zendesk Support et Onoff Business

Zendesk integration with Onoff Business

Freshdesk integration with Onoff Business: unlock the full potential of your customer support system

Salesforce x Onoff Business

Salesforce est l’outil de CRM qui permet une vue 360° sur les opérations de vente de vos commerciaux, et pas que ! Cette solution complète réunit vos équipes de vente, de marketing, e-commerce et IT en une seule plateforme.

Zendesk x Onoff Business

With Zendesk integration with Onoff Business you can enhance the efficiency of your customer service, streamline communication management, and ensure that your customer data is always up-to-date. Discover how this powerful integration can transform your support operations and improve customer satisfaction.

Why integrate with Zendesk Support ?

Contact synchronization and personalized analysis for optimal management

The integration between Zendesk Support and Onoff Business allows you to easily import and export your contacts, ensuring that your customer data is always up-to-date for efficient management and increased satisfaction. Use customizable analytics and reports to track performance and achieve your satisfaction goals.

 Zendesk Support Intégration with Onoff Business-Contact synchronization
Zendesk Support Intégration with Onoff Business - Automating support tickets

Automating support tickets for optimized management of customer interactions

Integrate your Zendesk Support account with Onoff Business to automatically create support tickets for every call, voicemail, and SMS. This feature ensures that every customer interaction is tracked and handled efficiently, reducing query volume by 27% and improving average handling time by 25%.

Quick access to customer information for smooth and efficient communication

With Zendesk Support integration, you can quickly access customer information directly on your Onoff Business contact page. This synchronization facilitates communication management, making exchanges smoother and more efficient. Offer fast and consistent customer service by having all necessary information at your fingertips.

Zendesk Support integration with Onoff Business-Quick access to customer information

Connect Zendesk Support to Onoff Business

Connect Onoff Business’s corporate telephony with your Zendesk Support tool to enhance efficiency, reduce query volume, increase customer satisfaction, and ensure significant return on investment.